This resume is built by Quynh Ha with Three.js and GSAP

Welcome to Luna's Interactive Resume


Hi, my name is Nguyen Thi Quynh Ha, but I often go by Luna!

I'm orginally from Vietnam, now located in the US.

I am pursuding a BS in Interactive Media & Game Development and MS in User Experience.



★★★★☆ Web (HTML, CSS, JS)
★★★★☆ Python
★★★★☆ Java (Desktop, Android, Enterprise)
★★★★☆ C / C++ / Make
★★★☆☆ SQL

★★★★☆ Adobe Premiere / Video Editing
★★★★☆ Unity3D (VR/AR, Games, Tools)
★★★★★ Unreal Engine (Blueprint and C++)
★★★★☆ Photoshop / GIMP (Image Editing)
★★★★☆ Illustrator (Assets, Vector Design)
★★★★☆ Blender (Model, Rig, Animation)


Web Developer - Global Lab

Designed and developed website content such as page layout, static, animated, and interactive graphics for!

Administrator Assistant - The Office of Undergraduate Studies - WPI

Provided administrative support to ensure efficient office operations, including managing correspondence between students and faculties, organizing files, and assisting with various administrative tasks.

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